Food Combinations to Increase Weight Loss

Sometimes, More May Become Less!

When you think about losing weight, you probably think “eat less, skip meals, and other unhealthy things.” But there may be healthier ways to lose weight – including eating more!

When it comes to slimming down, two (or more) foods may be better than one. That’s because each has different nutrients that can work together. As a team, they may help you fend off hunger, stay full longer, and burn fat or calories better than they would alone.

I’m suggesting combinations of food that pair together nicely and help promote weight loss. I did some rather extensive research to find the best food combinations for weight loss that will keep you satisfied throughout the day. They generally feature protein as an important element, as it helps you to feel fuller longer.

Beverages – coffee (black), green tea, ginger tea, and water – support metabolism and digestion to help your gut remain healthy. Drinking cold water increases resting energy expenditure, which is the number of calories you burn while resting. If you want to flavor the plain water, add cucumber or mint.

Power Pairs

Avocado + Dark Leafy Greens

A spinach or kale salad is low in calories and high in nutrients, but it can leave you wanting more. To make it more filling, top it with avocado. It’s likely to be more satisfying since it has a monounsaturated fat that staves off hunger.

Chicken + Cayenne Pepper

One chicken breast provides up to 27 grams of protein for fewer than 150 calories. Protein takes longer to digest, and that can keep you full longer. Spice up this dinner staple with a rub or sauce made with cayenne pepper.

Oatmeal + Walnuts

Adding more fiber to your diet can lead to weight loss. That’s because your body can’t break down fiber, so it slows down digestion and takes up space in your stomach. With 4 grams of fiber per cup, oatmeal can be a good source, and walnuts add about another 2 grams.

Eggs, Black Beans + Peppers

People who have eggs for breakfast eat less for the rest of a day and a half. Black beans and peppers make this morning meal even more filling, thanks to a double dose of fiber.

Bean + Vegetable Soup

Add a broth-based vegetable soup to your lunch or dinner. The liquid fills your stomach, leaving less room for higher-calorie foods. Stirring in chickpeas or black beans can give it more staying power because they’re high in protein and fiber.

Steak + Broccoli

Beef is rich in protein and iron, which your body uses to build red blood cells. They take oxygen to your organs, so falling short in those can zap your energy. Broccoli is the perfect side, because its vitamin C helps your body take in iron.

Green Tea + Lemon

If you need a pick-me-up, brew some green tea. The low-calorie drink is packed with antioxidants called catechins, which help you burn more calories and fat. And add a squeeze of lemon to help your body absorb them.

Salmon + Sweet Potato

Fish is often called “brain food,” but it’s also good for your waist. Its omega-3 fats help you lose body fat, and salmon is a top source. A one 3-ounce serving packs in 17 grams of protein. Add a sweet potato puree for a filling yet light meal.

Yogurt + Raspberries

Fact: people who get more calcium and vitamin D as part of a weight loss plan shed more fat than those who don’t. Top a vitamin D-fortified yogurt with half a cup of raspberries and you have 35% of all the calcium you need in a day plus 4 grams of fiber.

Mushrooms + Ground Beef

Yes, you can eat burgers and lose weight! The key is to swap at least 50% of the meat for chopped or ground mushrooms. With only 16 calories a cup, they can lighten any dish made with ground beef while adding some deliciousness!

Olive Oil + Cauliflower

At just 27 calories a cup, cauliflower is both diet-friendly and low on the glycemic index, a measure of how much a food raises your blood sugar. Drizzle chopped cauliflower with olive oil and roast it - this brings out the flavor, and olive oil’s fats can curb your appetite by making you feel full.

Pistachios + Apple

This combo offers protein, healthy fats, and fiber to fend off hunger. With about 160 calories for 50 of them, pistachios are one of the lowest-calorie nuts. The apple adds sweetness and crunch, along with 4 grams of fiber.

Fish, Whole-Wheat Tortilla + Salsa

Fish tacos are a tasty example of a lean protein and fiber combination. Top them with some salsa for extra vitamins.

Whole Wheat Crackers + Tuna

Triscuit's Baked Whole Grain variety is made with just three ingredients, of which fiber-rich whole-grain wheat is the most abundant. Low-cost, protein-rich tuna adds a solid source of an omega-3 that down-regulates fat genes in the stomach, preventing fat cells from growing larger.

Baby Carrots + Hummus

In addition to providing healthy fat, fiber, and weight-loss fueling protein, this appetizing combo is packed with belly-filling water, vitamin A (which helps the body synthesize protein), and lipolysis-boosting magnesium, a mineral that helps your body release fat.

Dark Chocolate + Almonds

Nixing sweets altogether can lead to overeating. With only 7 grams of sugar per ounce, dark chocolate is one dessert you can feel good about eating. Add some high-protein almonds and you’ll avoid a sugar crash.


There are countless articles online about food combining, ranging from easy to complicated, and from fairly unbelievable claims to outright repudiation. My thought is this: given that everyone is different, do your own research, try it for yourself and see if it works for you. You may end up liking it and providing yourself with a new way to eat!

Stay well, be safe, and happy gastronomics!

Paul Gravette